Monday, November 14, 2011

The Little Guitar Player

Once a pone a time ther was a little boy who love to play guitar his name is Wyatt his mom's name is G his dad's name is K his brother's name is C and sister's name is K ther dog 's name is J. At school W saw his cosin her name is A and she was cring. I sade to her I sade why ure you cring? Becus I have cancer. I sade what kind of ? Sshe sade I have cheek cancer.
I sade no way. And we wher just siting on a bench talking abute it.

The End To Amelia From Wyatt

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Because Momma says so.

I am Wy's Mom. He wanted to have a blog because one of his teachers last year told him it would be a great idea. She is amazing and we loved her. So... here it is. The posts will be written strictly by my little big man. Hope you enjoy! (I am excited... what's he going to say?)